Difference Between Active and Passive Immunity

Before entering the human immune system, Bacteria or Pathogens has to go through a few lines of defense that your body has in place. Active and passive immunity are the two common ways by which your immunity is strengthened. Both active and passive immunities may look similar but are different in many ways.

In this article, we’ll learn about how our immunity works and also see the differences between active and passive immunity, and also find their solutions.

When some strange bacterias and pathogens find their way into your body, they are generally destroyed by your immune system. The immune system protects our body from various types of pathogens and toxins.

Difference Between Active and Passive Immunity

But before arriving in your immune system, foreign material has to go through certain lines of defense that your body has in place.

Innate immunity provides the first line of defense against pathogens with the help of physical and chemical obstacles like skin, mucus layers, and saliva. The second line of defense is created by innate immunity through phagocytes.

The third-line defense is induced by adaptive immunity. Adaptive immune responses are extremely slow, precise, and antibody-mediated, unlike innate immunity, which is non-specific and fast.

Adaptive immunity is further divided into two types:- Active Immunity and Passive Immunity.

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Active Immunity

Active immunity is developed by our immune system when we are exposed to a disease-causing agent i.e., a pathogen. It occurs in response to breathing new air, eating some new food, or touching new things.

Individuals with moderate immune systems do not get sick every time something new enters their bodies as active immunity is frequently working to neutralize foreign agents. And it is more common than passive immunity.

Example:- Active immunity has numberless examples as your body is daily exposed and also reacts to new pathogens.

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Passive Immunity

Passive immunity refers to short-term immunity, that results from the introduction of exterior antibodies. So, passive immunity does not require direct exposure of our body to pathogens.

And since antibodies are introduced into the body, the immune response can be developed quickly. But, passive immunity lasts for several days.

They are less common but are also very important as they let our bodies take a proactive defense against hazardous illnesses and diseases.

Example:- Passive immunity arises when a baby receives a mother’s antibodies through the placenta or breast milk, injection of antisera, vaccines, etc.

Now, let’s compare and see the difference between the two types of adaptive immunity i.e., active immunity and passive immunity with the help of the below table.

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Active immunity refers to protective immunity which occurs when a person’s immune system is stimulated to produce antibodies and lymphocytes.

Passive immunity refers to short-term immunity in which a person receives antibodies or lymphocytes which are produced by the immune system of another person.


It is produced actively by the immune system of the host.

It is produced passively by the immune system of the host.


Active immunity is produced 

by infection or immunogen.

Passive immunity is not produced but directly transferred.

Immunological Memory

It creates immunological memory.

It does not create any immunological memory.


Active immunity requires exposure to a pathogen or its antigen.

Passive immunity does not require exposure to an infectious agent or its antigen.


It is efficient in offering protection against microbes.

It is less efficient in offering protection against microbes.

Response time

It does not give a quick response.

It gives a quick response.

Life of the immunity

Active immunity usually lasts for a long time sometimes lifelong.

Passive immunity lasts only for a short time, usually for a few weeks or months.

Side effects

It may have very low or no side effects at all.

The body may cause some reactions.


Active immunity is used for prophylactic treatments.

Passive immunity is used as a post-therapeutic remedy.

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The body has two types of adaptive immunity – active and passive immunity.

Active immunity refers to the immune response to a pathogen. Passive immunity arises when antibodies are introduced rather than made. Here, the immune response occurs immediately.

And the main difference between active and passive immunity is the origin of the antibodies which are used in these two types of immunity.

We humans depend on both active and passive immunity for contributing to a well-equipped and strong immune system.

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